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  • Writer's pictureNicholas Coulter

How an EDC makes your life better

The stuff you carry with you everyday should make your life easier, never harder. Everything that a person carries with them everyday has a purpose, a purpose that many people never even realized they needed something for.

Take for example a smartphone. Almost everyone carries a phone with them everyday as it is one of the most useful tools you can have. Texting, calling, web searching, social media, calculators, maps, etc. All of these useful things tucked into a thin rectangular slab of glass and metal. But all of these things carried separately would be a burden upon a person. Can you imagine having to carry around a phone, a computer, a calculator, and a map every day in your pockets? Having to lug all of this around just to do a simple task would be a burden. It would make your harder. However a modern smartphone allow you to have all of these in the small pocket-able form.

In short anything that doesn't actually help you should not be carried around on your person everyday. Only carry the things that help you ease daily tasks, and if you only need something once a month maybe it would be better to be left out of your pockets.

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